Secrets of the Afterlife: Magic, Mummies and Immortality

20 May 2013 |  Western Australian Museum

I’ve always loved museums and I’ve always wanted to be an Egyptologist! So this exhibit was a treat for me. Most interesting pieces were the Shabtis- little figurines, supposed servants for the afterlife, which can be activated by a spell written on the person’s tomb (for even in the Field of Reeds there is work to be done!). What is more fascinating is that the tools that the servants would need in the afterlife tasks (plowing, harvesting crops,etc) also come with the Shabtis in miniature proportions. Reminded me of Polly Pocket!

“Secrets of the Afterlife: Magic, Mummies and Immortality in Ancient Egypt”

Exhibition dates: 17 May 2013 – 22 September 2013

Don’t miss it, book your tickets now! (costs $20 per person, totally worth it!)


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North WA: Geology Fieldwork-cum-Roadtrip

I have been feeling so uninspired lately that even a simple blog post (90% content of which will be photos for obvious reasons) seems like a freaking workout. My muse has eluded me and my journal now looks like a planner with just phrases and tasks accomplished for the day. Nevertheless, i have mustered all my energy to update this blog so please (my extinct readership) bear with me.

3 May 2013| Lancelin Dunes, The Pinnacles Desert, Stromatolites, Lake Thetis, Cervantes, and Jurien Bay

STROMATOLITES. Living fossils. Now seeing modern versions of earth’s oldest life forms. Tagging geol friends! — at Lake Thetis.


Seagull-spotting seems like a good hobby although less productive as knitting or growing mushrooms or making dead mice dioramas. But hey, aren’t all hobbies supposed to be that way – at Lancelin


Another seagull shot (Jurien Bay)

We have fed the seagulls in Cervantes with chips to have this shot taken. Manipulative humans for the sake of a quality photograph. Now this is totally unethical. haha


Great migrations- creepy crawlies edition. I got goosebumps when I saw this at Lancelin… then I imagined the caterpillars doing the conga line.Tata Tata Ta Ta!


“I go to seek a Great Perhaps.” –Francois Rabelais


Sorrento Quay. Hillarys boat harbour. Such a scenic spot the time of day this shot was taken, with the reflections of the beautiful seaside apartments enough to justify the high rent and cost of living. Great place to catch the sunset!


Lancelin dunes- perfect for a scifi movie action scene shoot!


The pinnacles at Nambung National Park are actually limestone pillars weathered through thousands of years of wind action. Wonderful sight to behold, like thousands of tombstones jutting out from the yellow sands!


Exploring the great outdoors and the scorching heat of the desert sun.