The 2nd Philippine International Pyromusical Competition 2011

This was Australia’s turn. Philippines came next but I ran out of battery! Aaaaarrrrgghhhhh! Talk about bad timing! We bought tickets for 100pesos and it was worth it! So much display of colors! You can only imagine the meticulous placement of various chemical elements that will yield such vibrant colors! I’ve also watched last year’s show and I vow not to miss next year’s! 🙂

Quiapo: Ramon Lee’s and Good Finds

Every trip to Quiapo is always an adventure. You are transported to this overwhelming microcosm of tastes, sights, and sounds quintessential to Filipino culture (with notable influences from the Spanish and Chinese). It’s a feast for the senses! The bustling district is full of peddlers selling everything from watches, to bags, to make-up, to dried fish, and to fruits! All at rock-bottom prices!

I think ate is wearing make-up. No kidding!

The Quiapo church is home not just to devotees but to peddlers of sampaguita (see the fierce look on ate’s face!), colorful candles (where you choose the one corresponding to your purpose of petition, yey to marketing strategies!) abortifacients, masked in the less direct but still implying “pamparegla”.

Hidalgo Street, a haven for photographers, is where you could buy cameras of all sorts, from the latest SLRs to the more vintage film ones! I still have a roll of film undeveloped, better have it done here for a minimum cost.

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